> US Central & Midwest Region Easter Retreat Testimony 2024

US Central & Midwest Region Easter Retreat Testimony 2024

On March 31, US Central & Midwest Regional Easter Retreat 2024 which is held by St.Loius Immanuel Church welcomes the closing service. Many members attend this Ester retreat from Warren, Chicago, Howe, Lexington, Wichita and Nashville, they receive abundant grace through the retreat.  After the closing service, there are testimonies from the members:

Vashni Boamah from Nashville shared,” I think for myself it’s a challenge that is God is continued to guide me what I can do and what I can’t do, listen to what God can do for me and listen to what God can guide me towards. I think it’s free to know that He will continually love me and I will receive His grace to be reminded of that, be challenged to rely on God.”

Tony from St.Loius Immanuel Church shared, “I’m so thankful that we can gather here together on Easter days, through these bible studies which makes realize that Jesus is dead for me and how painful he experienced on the position of the cross when he separates with God. As today’s sermon mentioned, I was wondering before I met Jesus, but now when I have Jesus unconditionally love, I feel joyful to be here.  

“The most impressive part that touched me is Jews said we have a king but Caesar, I felt unbelievable why they thought Caser was their king at the beginning, but after these two days’ bible studies I found I was that person will regard Caesar as king, especially when I back to the campus I will face many temptations in what I should do and what I can’t do.”

Some members also shared in group sharing, that they realized Jesus’ sacrifice is true and painful through this retreat, especially when Jesus said “My Lord, My Lord why have you forsaken me?” Which reminds them that Jesus’ pain is true and he comes to earth with the flesh, who suffers instead of us on the cross.